Our Story

Bookshelf Burns

Our Story

Hi there! First of all, thanks for visiting our website!

At the heart of Bookshelf Burns lies my deep love for reading and literature. Over the course of the pandemic, reading really become my solace and escape from a very uncertain and changing world.

One day I was reading 'The Hobbit' and thought to myself, ''Wouldn't it be great if you could somehow capture the smell of this scene in some kind of physical product?'' After ordering a few supplies and doing a ton of research, the first wax melt packet was made which became 'Elven Forest'. Since then, my mind has been on overload trying to create the best products I can for you guys so you can also enjoy the bliss of bringing other worlds into your very own homes!

Over 12 months later and thanks to all of your loyalty and custom, we've been on the most excellent journey with each other as you have nourished what became a simple idea into a creative outlet that I never knew I needed. From the bottom of my heart...